Can't see RA icons

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Postby joshisanonymous » Sep 09, 2021 02:11

I'm using Bysan's, but even if I switch to the Atlantis UI, I get black squares for RAs instead of any RA icons. I've checked Bob's and Derida's as well for bitmaps that might have the icons arranged differently but they all seem to have the same arrangement and same names as all the ones I already have loaded.
*Current Lives*
Might pop in here on my BD sometimes.
(Atlas) Baudith/RM
*Past Lives*
(MLF) Levlin/Rang > (Bors) Kleib/RM > (Kay) Traep/Minst > (Lancelot Cluster) Chasis/Sav > (Ywain) Finnegin/Ment > (Uthgard) Mordigg/BD > (Phoenix) Kroll/SM > (BL2) Baud/Warlock

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