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Developing the Frontiers (Part I)

PostPosted: Jan 19, 2022 10:38
by Genjiro

Greetings Players,

in the past few days preparations have been made to the frontier keeps to allow gathering supplies to bolster a keeps defensive! This is a new feature within our keep system I want to expand upon in the upcoming weeks and months.

Within the keeps and relic keeps you will find a new chest:


These chests can currently hold wooden boards which then can be used to repair and upgrade keep doors.
This is a new way for a realm or guilds to collect and prepare supplies for crafters to use at any time.

Please note that depositing supply is a final decision! You will not be able to take back what was donated to your realms keep. When a keep gets raided the supply vault gets also raided and its content will then be owned and be usable by the realm holding said keep.

Using /repair or /upgrade next to a keep door will now check the keeps supply vault for materials before checking your inventory.

A character without any woodworking skill will now also be able to contribute by doing supply runs as well as
by talking to the keep lord to initiate some repairs or upgrades using available but also increased supplies from the keeps supply vault. The woodworking skill is not required to have the lord repair or upgrade the keep.

In addition the keep lord will now initiate repairs on keep doors periodically using available but also increased supplies from the keeps supply vault when no players have visited the keep for some time. This will also be the case for all relic keeps as ordered by the realms kings.

With the supply line established within the frontiers I want to offer new missions in the future to further reward frontier participation. For example:

  • Completing a supply run to keep
  • Escorting a supply transport to a keep
  • Repairing a damaged keep door
  • Upgrading a keep door
  • Scouting an enemy keep

Genjiro & Uthgard Staff

Re: Developing the Frontiers (Part I)

PostPosted: Jan 19, 2022 11:26
by Rudra
Hi there,
very nice that something is happening in this area to advance the Rvr.
I think it's great to implement such features and I hope that there will be a lot of new things in this direction.

Another call to the players:

Please support Genjiro and other Gm's in their work.
It benefits us all and brings many improvements to the server.


Re: Developing the Frontiers (Part I)

PostPosted: Jan 19, 2022 15:44
by fiskgrodan
This seems kind of neat.

Re: Developing the Frontiers (Part I)

PostPosted: Jan 19, 2022 18:46
by Ilerget
Good job! you've been working for long on this missions I think

Re: Developing the Frontiers (Part I)

PostPosted: Jan 19, 2022 21:46
by madskaizer
I love the loot-the-corpse idea of the chest.

Good job on development!

Re: Developing the Frontiers (Part I)

PostPosted: Jan 20, 2022 00:06
by hamesch
Great Idea! Thank you!

Re: Developing the Frontiers (Part I)

PostPosted: Jan 20, 2022 03:40
by Pendalith
Amazing work, thank you for the change 8)

Re: Developing the Frontiers (Part I)

PostPosted: Jan 20, 2022 23:56
by Filters
Thx now give us realm point immediatly !!! :D :D :D :D


Are u reimplement the keep guard kil task aswell ?


Re: Developing the Frontiers (Part I)

PostPosted: Jan 21, 2022 08:01
by Anomie
Seems like a creative addition to an already delightfully complex game. And since keep defense is by far my favourite RvR scenario, i am really looking forward to seeing how this goes.

Thanks so much!

Doesn't seem to be working how i thought it would. I've tried repairing directly while standing at the door (519 ww skill is more than enough for lvl 1 door!) and it said i was missing 2 rowan wood units despite there being a couple thousand IW boards in the vault. When i asked the keep lord to do repair it also said not enough. Screenshots available if i find a place to upload them. My guess is all that wood put in Blendrake's vault is now gone since according to the herald it was taken by Hibernia an hour ago. It wasn't my purse but someone invested a fair bit in it.

Re: Developing the Frontiers (Part I)

PostPosted: Jan 21, 2022 11:41
by thaneel
Thanks Genjiro for the update :)

Re: Developing the Frontiers (Part I)

PostPosted: Jan 23, 2022 05:18
by Shalindra
Nice update ! Thank you!

Re: Developing the Frontiers (Part I)

PostPosted: Jan 23, 2022 16:28
by Genjiro
It is a "work in process" and I wanted to split it in parts to better follow/debug/fix if needed.
As for part 1 I already got some feedback about the system even without the missions implemented yet which is nice.

Re: Developing the Frontiers (Part I)

PostPosted: Jan 24, 2022 04:39
by Kayd
I've played this off and on over the years. I was going to move on from Uthgard, but these changes might bring me back.

What gets old and repeatedly happens on this server over and over and over and over.... is that new players finally hit Level 50, and then they realize that they have no reasonable means of reasonable advancement of their character since keep take and RvR times are extremely limited in both quantity and time. Thus... 99% quit the game and move onto other games that have better character advancement/improvement options.

The server has desperately for a very long time needed an alternative means of gaining Realm Points for those who cannot reliably participate in scheduled RvR and keep takes. I'm happy to see it is finally happening, and I hope it will bring back some old friends in quantity when they learn that they can actually have a feasible means of gaining Realm Rank.

1 additional Realm Point reward mission I would consider is using the RvR dungeons as a place where small Realm Point gains can be made for PvE activity. The risk being that you are doing so in an RvR zone. It would be nice to do some classic dungeon adventures again with our 50s; a realm point reward mechanism could make this happen.

Re: Developing the Frontiers (Part I)

PostPosted: Jan 24, 2022 09:43
by Rudra
Hi there,
I have a different view.
There shouldn't be any Rp for PVE, I think that's the opinion of many here on the server as well.
Genjiro is well on his way to doing something in terms of RvR.
The changes that are planned go in the right direction and will offer opportunities to improve your characters.
The problem in RvR is the low number of players and not the possibilities to get Rp.



What could perhaps be changed would be the sensible use of the Bp, not just paying for the rent. It might be possible to buy useful items there.
What is possible/feasible would have to be decided by Genjiro.

Re: Developing the Frontiers (Part I)

PostPosted: Jan 25, 2022 04:02
by Pendalith
This will hopefully increase rvr chances of action and also bring in more players. Players could trio/grp up , do these tasks, and also hunt other players doing these tasks. You could even do one of these tasks (upgrading/repairing a keep door) while waiting for inc inside a keep to defend. Higher lv keeps doors all around could be an incentive to attack and try to get the more rps for taking them. This over all over time would cause more chances for a rvr fight to take place, hopefully. :D