[Mech] A little housing tutorial

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Postby Bonarela » Mar 02, 2007 23:42

This is a tutorial i put out of a german fourm, i tried to translate it for you.
Some thing maybe work not corretly yet or are not implemented yet, but this should answer some questions. If you thing there should be something in too, send me an PM or post it.

Have fun Bonarela

Housing slot reservation

A free housing slot is marked with an orange flag (Midgard/Hibernia: stone), placed in a village.

A simple click on it opens a systemchat-window, showing the price of the slot. The price will sink over the value 500g every half our. A double click pops a window and asks about acquiring the slot.
The slot will be reserved and will be your property for 7 days without building a house on it. In those 7 days you have to build a hut/house/mansion or manor-house on it or you lose your property.

Buying a house

Right click on reserved slot, will open a window, there you can buy a choosen house-document and veranda-document. Drag and drop the documents on the housing slot and your house should appear immediately.


Weekly Payment

Hut: 2g
House: 20g
Manson: 80g
Manor-house: 200g

House furnishing (inside)

With shift + right click you can activate a menu with some functions.
Show positions: little white rings appear on different places on the floores in the house. On some rings you can only place crafting tools, on others only merchants and on the rings in the cellar you can put chest(s), vault keeper and a bindstone. With shift + right click on a ring, a list will appear that shows you the right furniture. Watch out, don´t put other furniture or trophy´s on the rings. Special furniture, "things on rings", can be removed, like normal loot. Those things can be sold for 75% cost.
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Shop: Here a list of normal furniture will appear, to get your house more comfortable.You can buy and sell those furniture for 100% of the price. To place things drag them of your inventory, with shift + right click you can turn things around, a popup-menu will appear. You can also put images of shields and weapons on the wall and trophys too.

Entrance/Friend: This buttons regulates the authorization for friend, guild, allies or perhaps the whole realm. With the commands /housefriend <name>, /housfriend account <name>, /housefriend guild "<name of the guild>"(Attention: If a guild name has 2 or more word in the name us " ") or /housefriend all you can put players on the authorization list; you have to set them on a "rank", to get them some indivudual rights for your house or close them out. Watch out, you have to put the permission to enter your house extra.
Have a careful look at those menu-point and proof the attitudes twice, to get no misstakes.
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Rent: Press shift + right click anywhere in or on the house this menu will appear, the info-button tells you how much money is in your rent cash and when the next rent is due.

Rent payment:

possible in several kinds
a) count the money and put it on the wall
b) pay with bounty points. /bountyrent personal <value> - 1 bp = 1g You have to be there for in your house. <------ not implemented yet
c) rent tokens can be bought on the market places, works like money. <----- not recommended, staff-member told me that. Image

d) If your rent cash is emty the house will pay automaticly rent from your npc-merchant. Only posibble if there is enough money in.

Forgot to pay rent:

You receive a warning with any char. The warning message appears at 7 or less days left to pay rent. In case of forgotten rent, you wil have no chance to get your house back. Don´t ask the staff-team, nobody will restore houses.

Garden furnishing:

Works nearly like inside, but a second window appear. It shows a raster field, on that you put your garden furniture, with shift + right click you can turn them in the right direction. Rotation on several items works like inside, too, but only in 90 to 180 degrees.

House upgrade/downgrade:

Remove all items from the house, or the get lost. You can upgrade a hut to a house or higher, buy the documents and put it on the hut or what every. In case of an upgrade you get a payment document back for the old house, it can be sold 100% of the building price. In case of a downgrade you will get nothing back.


Only one char of an account can be house owner, the other ones are only visitors, but you shouln´t have to get them right. The house owner can only port to his house, the others have to use the "house bindpoint", possible with bindstone.

Sell a house:

Remove all items form the house and the garden or anything will disappear. Buy a possession document at the market place. This document can be traded to an other player. You have to be near the house. THATS ONLY SELL PLAYER TO PLAYER

Guild house:

To build a guild house, the guild leader have to buy a document at the market place and drag it on the house. One guid - one guild house. It isn´t posibble to make a guild house to a private house. Guild house authoriziations can be done with the command /housefriend rank 0-9 for every guild range individual.You loose all your money in lockbox

Lost house - lost all???
No. Trophys, crafting tools, chests, npc´s and furniture are irreparably lost. Don´t ask the Staff.
But the contenst of your chest and npc-merchant will be saved. There is bank-npc at the entrance of housing zone.

Tips and tricks:

- /settle value in cooper, you can put out some money from your npc-merchant.

- If you don´t have enough money for an own bindstone, look at your neighbours place. Ask him friendly for using it.

- Gold or items can be trade now easily. Item with your chest and money with some funriture. Buy some furniture and place it or put in a chest and sell it with your twink. You get 100% of the buying price.

- /housloc value, shows you who is owner of a house, without runing there

- /housepickup all - will put all equipment in your inventory Thx @ Baldrug

- Moving through housing zone with horse routing Working as it should. Thx @ the Staff

- Moving through housing zone with realm speed npc not implemented yet

A Hint:
If you delete a character, your house will be deleted with all items.

Update: 27.08.2009
Last edited by Bonarela on Aug 27, 2009 11:12, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby Bonarela » May 13, 2007 18:27

Update!!!!! Housing rent raised!!!!!
Jetzt ist das Schlachtfeld
ein Land aufrechtstehender Leichen;
wer den Tod sucht, wird überleben;
wer mit dem Leben davonkommen hofft,
wird sterben. Wu Ch´i

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Postby Bonarela » May 28, 2007 02:35


Little changes at Entrance/Friend. Thx to Bronz

Changes at Lost house - Lost all???. Bank-NPC´s added. Thx to Baldrug
Jetzt ist das Schlachtfeld
ein Land aufrechtstehender Leichen;
wer den Tod sucht, wird überleben;
wer mit dem Leben davonkommen hofft,
wird sterben. Wu Ch´i

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Postby Bonarela » Jun 08, 2007 21:20

Some little gfx update :)
Jetzt ist das Schlachtfeld
ein Land aufrechtstehender Leichen;
wer den Tod sucht, wird überleben;
wer mit dem Leben davonkommen hofft,
wird sterben. Wu Ch´i

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Postby Tinnete » Aug 12, 2009 10:30

Maybe the question have already been asked but i didn't find.

I don't manage to use the "Guild house" teleport on Glasny or other pnj teleporters.
I have to use "house bindpoint" instead. "Guild house" teleport option don't work.

Do i forget something ?

This is not really usefull when you have a personnal house AND a guild house.

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Postby Gemma » Aug 12, 2009 10:43

Tinnete wrote:Hi,
Maybe the question have already been asked but i didn't find.

I don't manage to use the "Guild house" teleport on Glasny or other pnj teleporters.
I have to use "house bindpoint" instead. "Guild house" teleport option don't work.

Do i forget something ?

This is not really usefull when you have a personnal house AND a guild house.

Is guildhouse port affected by guildrank?

Is the guildhouse actually a guilghouse or just the house of of leader ( :D i know kinda stupid question, but hey..seen/read the strangest things here on the forum. next question would be are u in a guild at all :lol: ).

I can only say that it works for me (having bindpoint in house and be able to port to guildhouse when selecting it at the porter).

Maybe its a client issue? Which client are u using? european/english (<- what should cause no troubles)?

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Postby Tinnete » Aug 12, 2009 11:12

Thx for answer me.

Yes i'm in a guild ^^'
Yes it's a guild house (we bought it long time ago. But i was a personnal house at the beginning, like all guild house i think).

And yes i'm using the english client.

That's why i don't understand :/

And all my guildmate have the same pb.

Is guildhouse port affected by guildrank?

Good question. I will check the authorizations this evening.
But i didn't know that houseguild authorizations influenced pnj port.

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Postby Tinnete » Aug 12, 2009 18:39

Hi, so i'm in game and trying to find where is the pb. All authorizations are up in house and there is no command guild for deny acces at the guild house.

Someone have an idea plz ? :(

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Postby Endiku » Aug 12, 2009 18:56

We found the problem, looks like a database error. We will fix it asap.
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Postby Tinnete » Aug 13, 2009 08:54

Yes ! Thanks to you Endiku, will be fix soon.

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Postby Endiku » Aug 13, 2009 13:12

Should be fixed, please give me a feedback - over callgm or pm.

Best regards

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Postby gatovaca » Aug 14, 2009 08:40

When u trade a house to other player with title item, all money in lockbox is lost.

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Postby carnalito » Aug 19, 2009 13:34

hello, i have a question regarding upgrading our guildhouse:

"House upgrade/downgrade:

Remove all items from the house, or the get lost. You can upgrade a hut to a house or higher, buy the documents and put it on the hut or what every. In case of an upgrade you get a payment document back for the old house, it can be sold 100% of the building price. In case of a downgrade you will get nothing back. "

I'm sorry but i'm having troubles understanding that that.. 8O

Can you just buy another house deed and just put it on your current house and it will be upgraded, and you get the deed for the old type of house back?

Also, will the rent we paid for the house be lost?

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Postby Bonarela » Aug 27, 2009 11:01


Hello folks,

long time no see, but i am still alive :)

Hopeful that little tutorial is helping you all bite.

Latest change in the tutorial:

Horse routes
and the /housepickup all -command

Yours Bonarela
Jetzt ist das Schlachtfeld
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Postby Teslyn » Jan 30, 2010 18:40

How many vault points can each type of house have?

Thanks much. :)


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