The Cleric realm ability "Bunker of Faith" currently does not seem to be stacking with any other absorb buffs such as the Cabalist and Friar selfcast absorb buff shields and the Necromancer Deathsight absorb buff. Myself and others do not recall this as intended BoF behavior.
If any of these buffs are active on a group member when I cast BoF my combat log tells me they already have this effect and said group members do not receive the BoF buff, this is also the case on myself when I have the Necromancer absorb buff.
Apart from the missing icon graphics BoF does at first glance appear to be working as it should on myself and group members when not having another casted absorb buff active.
1. Take a Cleric with the Bunker of Faith realm ability.
2. Cast Bunker of Faith on yourself or any group member that has another absorb buff active such as caster/Friar absorb shields or Necromancer absorb buff.
3. Check if it stacks and gets applied as presumably intended or if the combat log tells you that the players with said absorbs have this effect causing the BoF buff to not apply. So far in every test I have done myself it has been the latter.
I believe it is supposed to stack with the existing absorb buffs other than presumably another Bunker of Faith.
Here's some screenshots I took of previously described situations.
Cabalist combat log without his self absorb shield when popping BoF:
I also found an old Cleric 1.60 TL report mentioning a very similar issue as one of the critical issues/bugs back then:
issue was resolved by Nayru
20 players say this report is valid, 10 disagree |