1045: Pets destroy keep doors when released inside

Reported by ☆ Chiimosh at Tue, 24 May 2016 04:13:24 UTC
gamemechanic bug
1 votes


The issue is that over the past few days I have been playing my sorc in thid BG. I charm a pet and if there is no action I would log out in CK if alb had it.

I logged in one day to see that my pet was still inside the keep but was beating on the doors of the keep, actually putting them to 0 health.

This issue has potential for a player to troll his own realm. (unsure if issue is the same in the frontier)

Reproduction Steps

1. Grab a pet as a sorc in battleground
2. Logout or release pet inside CK
3. It will destory either door if you release in inner keep or the outer keep area.

Intended Behavior

The NPC guards should kill any pet that is no longer charmed.


I will get on later and add some evidence, as I had no time at the time.


issue was resolved by Nayru
13 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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