1069: Credit granted only by deathblow on "Scuttle"

Reported by ☆☆ r4k at Wed, 25 May 2016 00:42:18 UTC
worldbuild bug


The quest out of Ardagh, given by "Seana" called "Scuttle", requires you to swim to a nearby island to kill the named badger "Scuttle" to obtain a Tooth and a Stone. After turning these 2 components into Seana, an additional component/fetch step is issued, which requires you to locate and kill a local mob for another special component. This additional component may be issued at random of which there may be multiple outcomes. For my group, we were tasked with locating and killing a single Large Hill Toad for its special component. The target mob was located on a hilltop/side in the area of Silvermine Mountains @ loc 26.7k x 9.5k. If you are in a group while killing the target mob, credit for any kill is only granted to the individual who strikes the deathblow (ie: 3 people in group requires 3 kills to complete for all). It should be noted that my group did not encounter the "credit by deathblow" bug during the step that required the killing of "Scuttle".

Reproduction Steps

1. Obtain the quest from Seana and group with at least 1 other player who is also on the same step.
2. Complete Step #1 (killing of Scuttle and obtaining his Stone & Tooth).
3. Have all party members turn these components into Seana, which she will then ask for you to kill 1 additional local mob to obtain its special component (random).
4. Locate and kill one of the target mobs and have all party members view journal to see who did or did not get credit.

Intended Behavior

Deathblow should not be a factor of obtaining credit for this quest, nor any quest outside of perhaps Epic quests, or a Task. This works against grouping, and socializing with other players. Individual credit granted only by deathblow adds a considerable amount of time to a rather simple quest that should take no more than 10 minutes or so to complete.


DAOC quests, such as this are working as intended when a step is completed, where all group members present who are on the same step are granted credit together, regardless of who strikes the deathblow, or strikes any attack at all.


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Closed by reporter
1 player says this report is valid, 0 disagree


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