1183: Greather earth spirit hits too hard

Reported by ☆ p12r at Sat, 28 May 2016 21:45:07 UTC
gamemechanic bug


im a lvl 41 mentalist , i encountered a theurgist today probably 50 as his pets were orange to me
There was a tank hitting me too , the tank hitted me for 180dmg, the theurgist pet(greather earth spirit) hitted me for 628dmg on my torso , which is a good af torso , and i had my personal shield up

Reproduction Steps

1. u guys just "fixed" theurgist earth pets , think something went wrong
2. pets shouldnt hit harder then tanks,especially melee pets
3. my equipment is good, i shouldnt get hit for 628 dmg by a pet :p

Intended Behavior

just look into the dmg of the pets, maybe something wrong with the things u changed?


sorry i dont have much evidence but u guys should definately investigate


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