1191: An end to the Daggers (lvl 43 Epic warrior quest)

Reported by ☆ Mede at Sun, 29 May 2016 11:26:38 UTC
worldbuild bug
0 votes


The pnj named Elizabeth does'nt give you the quest An end to the Daggers (lvl 43 epic)

Reproduction Steps

1. Finish the epic quest lvl 40 Blessed Enchantments
2. Go to your tainer for the next step (he asks you to meet Elizabeth)
3. Go to Elizabeth, nothing happens

Intended Behavior

I don't know if the quest is implemented yet but i'm reporting it if it's a bug


I'm lvl 50, finished the previous epic quest but yet i can't have the lvl 43 epic quest


issue was resolved by Gnome
2 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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