1. bow mobs try to use bow if main aggro target is out of melee range (correct)
2. they keep trying to use bow even after getting rupted multiple times (flase)
3. Bow mobs dont properly chase enemys if target runs out of bow range while charging they get stuck (false)
tested for myrkwood forrest 45/50 loc (svartalf watcher)
1. if getting rupted using bow switcht to melee weapon
2. walk toward target if out of range
3. if out of bow range stop charging bow and walk towards target
1. if getting rupted using bow switcht to melee weapon
2. walk toward target if out of range
3. if out of bow range stop charging bow and walk towards target
i cant find any prove but its pretty much game breaking and can be exploited super easy
issue was resolved by Nayru
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