1504: help-add missing for hitting mob from non-groupmate

Reported by ★★★ Boor at Wed, 08 Jun 2016 10:16:30 UTC
gamemechanic bug


help-add missing. Helping a non-groupmate killing a mob should result in help-add. Social mobs will baf automatically with next pull, even if solo. To the helper and the guy who got help

Reproduction Steps

1. You are solo
2. Help someone to kill a mob either by healing in combat or dealing damage to his mob
3. pull a social mob
He should bring a friend now
Pulling a non-social mob afterward will not result in a help-add

Intended Behavior

Pulled mob should bring a friend, even if you are solo. If the mob is social and can bring a friend


That's live. Many player got aggro and couldnt understand why there were coming two mobs, although they only pulled one :D
IF you get help at second pull (when the mob brought help), at the third pull the mob will bring even more friends (if possible)


Issue was invalid:
Closed by reporter
3 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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