1527: Invigoration pots have wrong duration

Reported by ☆☆ Hydroo at Thu, 09 Jun 2016 05:47:50 UTC
gamemechanic bug


Invigoration pots only last 2 min . According to attached guide written in December of 2002 all buff and regen potions lasted between 8 and 10 min.

Reproduction Steps

1. make and alchemist
2. create invigoration potion
3. use potion and see duration @ 2 min

Intended Behavior

Increase duration of the potion to 8 or 10 min ..


websight with Alchemy guide written in Dec. of 2002
The most basic use of alchemy will be to craft poisons and dyes that you can buy at poison and dye vendors, but for only 55% the cost. Now you can finally put the NPCs out of business. Dyes require a skill level of 40 to 836 to craft (depending on how rich they are in color and value).

You can also create poisons and more general potions that are unavailable to NPC vendors. Potions can be used by anyone, while poisons can only be used by players with the appropriate level of skill in Envenom. These comestibles include:

Buff potions (STR, CON, DEX, QUI, STR/CON, DEX/QUI, Acuity)
Non-combat healing potions (HP, Endurance, Power)
Combat healing potions (HP, Endurance, Power)
Damage shield potions
Haste potions
Regeneration potions (HP, Endurance, Power)
Endurance debuff poisons (all styles require more endurance to use)
Long-term disease Damage over Time poisons (“CLERIC!”)
Attack speed reduction poisons
Some buff potions are 8 minutes in duration, others are 10 minutes in duration.


Issue was invalid:
Closed by reporter
0 players say this report is valid, 1 disagrees


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