1601: Albion Power Relic, Held by Hib, /bonuses shows 0%

Reported by ☆ Ragzz at Sun, 12 Jun 2016 03:08:41 UTC
gamemechanic bug
14 votes


Hibernia captured Albion Relic. /bonuses showed 0% for magic and strength relic bonuses. Due to other bugs, the relic was removed from Hibernia control before tests could show if bonus was actually being applied, but without showing in /bonuses.

Reproduction Steps

1. Hibernia capture Albion Power relic
2. type /bonuses
3. Observe inaccurate information about relic bonuses

Intended Behavior

After capturing an enemy relic the capturing realm should receive Power/Strength bonuses related to the relic captured, and those bonuses should be displayed correctly when typing /bonuses


This is a known game mechanic. Relics provide bonuses to Power/Strength.


issue was resolved by Nayru
18 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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