As outlined in Towbes thread ( the miss rate for bolt is over 20%.
Bolts should hit 85% of the time, so no higher than a 15% miss rate.
[Quote] Patch 1.24 " "Bolt" type spells will now hit almost always (85%). Against higher level monsters, you may do less damage, but you'll hit much more often. - All damage spells (DOT, Targeted, Directed Damage) will now hit more often, although they may do less damage against higher-level monsters. - Bandwidth usage in congested areas has been optimized by 15%. "
No changes to bolts hit/miss rate were made between 1.24 and 1.65 as can be viewed in Towbes thread where he lists all mentions of bolts in patchnotes between these two.
1. Use GM/Dev powers to run simulation of 1000+ bolt casts on various con mobs (grey through purple)
2. Notate hit/miss %
Make adjustments (if your quick dev/gm simulations match Towbes and my own logs) so that bolts hit 85% of the time, as the patchnotes indicate it should be!
Intended behavior -
issue was resolved by Blue
14 players say this report is valid, 1 disagrees |