1893: Enchanter Focus Shield

Reported by ★ Brytchen at Mon, 27 Jun 2016 12:46:51 UTC
gamemechanic bug
2 confirmations


the enchanter focus shield is not correctly counted as chant/song and won't disable the speed chant from the enchanter.

Reproduction Steps

1. take an enchanter
2. run the speed chant
3. use the focus dmg shield on your pet
4. the speed chant is still active, not for the enchanter infight, but for every other member in the grp
5. after you stoped the focus shield with moving the speed chant will still stay.

Intended Behavior

focus shield should count as a chant/song.
and should totaly disable the speed chant from the enchanter, so that you have to respell the speed chant after the dmg shield runs out.


can't find a video about it atm. maybe someone has a video about this issue.

but did a lot of ench focus pull befor toa and i remember that i have to recast every time the speed chant if i run a bit more in galladoria during my petpulls.


issue is new, and needs confirmation
requires 9 more confirmations
votes (priority): -10
2 players say this report is valid, 11 disagree


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