1931: uthgard-launcher produces "api"-specific error-message

Reported by r5n at Wed, 29 Jun 2016 15:50:27 UTC
launcher bug


i use windows 7 home premium

after installing netframework 4.6 and microsoft visual c +++ 2015 (as recommend on your website) and after installing the uthgard launcher the following happens every time 8at least 15+ times with exact same outcome):
1. uth.dll syserror: api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll missing.try to install prgr again
2. i cklick "ok" and the game starts loading until round about 97% on the top left side showing following error: v1.65 injection failed

when i chack on my computer if netframework 4.6 is being used via the directoty system/allsystems/programs and funktions/activate and deactivate windows funktion the shown netframework version that is to be hooked, is netramework 3.5.1 although i uninstalled every netframework-version i had in order to get DAOC running on my computer ( i had 1.1 at the beginning, then installed 4.6 then, because i did not work, installed also 3.5 then uninstalled every version and reinstalled again 4.6)

Reproduction Steps

-1. install netframework 1.1
0. install netframework 3.5
1. install netframework 4.6
1.1 uninstall all netframework versions and reinstall version 4.6
2. install microsoft visual c+++2015
3. install uthgard launcher
4. log in and hit the launcher

Intended Behavior

i thing windows7 home premium might not be able to run netframework 4.6 because its only showing versin 3.5 so maybe try a lower netframework in addition to the 4.6-version that might do the job...


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Local Issue
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