2027: Orey, Midar, CF named etc etc

Reported by ★★ Fenicine at Mon, 04 Jul 2016 21:01:46 UTC
worldbuild bug


Trishin stated:
" Posted by Trishin at Fri, 01 Jul 2016 11:29:57 UTC

Midars bracers have been removed from the loottable - Please note that if anyone can find any evidence that these were available in 1.65 these will be reimplemented.
However with the evidence currently prevented we would rather remove them now, than having a problem when we relaunch and being faced with more evidence that supports
their removal. So if you want these items to return, do some research and prove they existed."

Reproduction Steps

There were reports to remove lootable items because the users thought these items did not exsist in 1.65, the evidence given was sketchy at best with no names mentioned for loot
being added. Reports of EU web pages showing it added later may be due that EU version of the game was indeed behind several months from the NA version.

Ticket 1819 quotes that Trophies were added for named mobs at patch level 1.75
loot was added way before trophies were introduced into the game for classic zones; this furhter supports that the items were in before 1.75.

ticket 1589 shows no direct evidence of the loot not being around; just the webpage was 2005; EU versions of the game also lagged behind NA also, websites commonly did not
have all loot added the website as data mining was not as common as it is today back then.

Intended Behavior

Seeing the evidence given agaisnt these items was inidirect; here is some indirect evidence that can support the drops.

Patch 1.45 quote

"Many zones have been totally itemized or tweaked:

Note: Albion being the oldest realm, had more rare items to begin with. You will notice many of those rare objects have been modified so they now drop with updated magic bonuses. Existing items will not be affected.

- Cursed Forest (Hibernia) - is now itemized
- Raumarik (Midgard) - is now itemized. "

If you see here, they specifically refer to Albion's zone being updated in their magic bonus items to match the new items given to hib and mid. - Meaning this could be the era
in which midar, orey, etc was introduced.



Seeing the evidence given agaisnt these items was inidirect; here is some indirect evidence that can support the drops.

Patch 1.45 quote

"Many zones have been totally itemized or tweaked:

Note: Albion being the oldest realm, had more rare items to begin with. You will notice many of those rare objects have been modified so they now drop with updated magic bonuses. Existing items will not be affected.

- Cursed Forest (Hibernia) - is now itemized
- Raumarik (Midgard) - is now itemized. "

If you see here, they specifically refer to Albion's zone being updated in their magic bonus items to match the new items given to hib and mid. - Meaning this could be the era
in which midar, orey, etc was introduced.


Issue was invalid:
Closed by reporter
3 players say this report is valid, 7 disagree


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