2030: Friar cold/heat resists showing inverted graphics.

Reported by ☆ Fashy at Mon, 04 Jul 2016 23:01:36 UTC
gamemechanic bug


On my lvl 32 friar, Hearth's Blessing (lvl 25 enhancement cold resist) is showing a fire graphical effect, while Resilience of the Wanderer (lvl 21 enhancement heat resist) is showing an ice white graphical effect. It should be the other way around. Cannot test at higher/lower lvl, but could be bugged too.

Reproduction Steps

1. Create a friar with points in enhancement spell line.
2. Cast resist spells.
3. Notice heat resist has an ice graphic while cold gets the fiery graphic.

Intended Behavior

It should be the opposite. White effect for cold, fire for heat.


Need a live account to verify it is indeed fire graphical effect for heat resist and white ice for cold resist.


Issue was invalid:
Closed by reporter
0 players say this report is valid, 3 disagree


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