2060: Caledonia Keep Archer hitting while stealthed

Reported by ☆☆ Festina at Thu, 07 Jul 2016 01:30:42 UTC
gamemechanic bug


When a keepguard archer was able to shoot at me once, they still are while I approach stealthed.
Even after waiting some time, he still instantly aggros as soon as I come in range.
My stealth is only lvl 25, but this certainly is not how their LoS should work

Reproduction Steps

1. be infil while mids have the keep
2. run towards the keep and get attacked by archer
3. get attacked again while being stealthed even

Intended Behavior

Archer shouldn't be able to detect you on such a great distance, but when they actually see you close by, they should unstealth you, I guess.



Viking Archers are OP! Run for your lives!


Issue was invalid:
Working as Intended
1 player says this report is valid, 1 disagrees


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