2078: Mid "Bracer of Embodiment" has wrong stats

Reported by ☆ Corwinn at Fri, 08 Jul 2016 01:14:53 UTC
worldbuild bug


Bracer of Embodiment on Mid has wrong stats according to old zam.

Reproduction Steps

1. Kill drakulv disciple and get Bracer of Embodiment
2. See the stats. Besides the 2+ mend, +2 aug and 9 power it also has +21 piety
3. Compare em to waybackmachine zam stats.

Intended Behavior

Asmuch as i love the bracer, zam says it was updated 2004, and still does not have +21 piety. That stat appears somewhere around 2005.



On this link with waybackmachine u can see the item updated somewhere at 2004. Thats way later then 1.65 as i understand it.
It only gets it +21 stat at 2005.


Issue was invalid:
Bracer does not have +21 piety
3 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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