2101: Scout Epic quest mob: Dooben missing

Reported by ☆ Ocing at Sat, 09 Jul 2016 10:43:36 UTC
worldbuild bug


Was doing scouts epic quest Forged Excellence. it want you to go skill a named Mud golem Dooben in Sail plains, but he is not there. he should be roaming around the Slaver camp


Reproduction Steps

1. Get quest Lady of the Lake, go try and do the Mini quest stage: Forged Excellence
2. Go to Slavers camp Sails plains to kill Dooben
3. see that he is not any where around there neither south or north, and day time dont matter

Intended Behavior

just check that he is in the data base and spawns like he should or try a server reset


ive seen him out there befor insta lvl 30 got released while lvling cleric at slavers


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