2194: campecorentin forest mob pathing behind levantis

Reported by Ipally at Mon, 18 Jul 2016 20:03:48 UTC
gamemechanic bug
1 confirmations


I was xping at location near Lethantis Association 17779, 1848, 2642, on the hillside near the zonewall and when I cast a spell on the mob, whether it was a dappled lynx or forest spider, they took off east, I believe, to the right as I look up the hill. Since I was not near that path they took, they shortly returned to original location.

Reproduction Steps

1. go to campecorentin forest, behind Levantis Association, to location 17779, 1848.
2. Find a tree spider or dappled lynx on the hillside above you and cast an offensive spell on it.
3. Observe the path these and other creatures take.

Intended Behavior

Since those mobs appear to spawn near the tree just above the given location, remove or change the pathing in that area or relocate mob spawn points on the player's side of the invisible zone wall that the player cannot go past.


My evidence is that the mobs do not attack the player.


issue is new, and needs confirmation
requires 2 more confirmations
votes (priority): 2
1 player says this report is valid, 0 disagree


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