0022: Vendoring Task Drop makes the task impossible to finish

Reported by ☆☆☆ Masq at Sat, 07 May 2016 16:30:12 UTC
worldbuild bug
1 votes


Accidently vendored a task drop (Clay Bottle from a dwarf brawler) for Guard Lan in Ludlow.

It completes the step "Kill a Dwarf Brawler for Guard Lan", and goes onto the second step "Return a clay bottom to Lan".

Rekilling the dwarf brawler does not give another clay bottle, nor are you able to drop the task.

Reproduction Steps

1. Gather a task that requires an item drop.
2. Vendor or delete the item drop

Intended Behavior

1. Make the item drop not vendorable.
2. Allow the item to drop again.


No evidence but I do not recall being able to bug out tasks.



issue was resolved by Genjiro
2 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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