2275: Cup emblem not available for Albion guild cloaks

Reported by ☆ Johndeere at Thu, 28 Jul 2016 00:48:12 UTC
gamemechanic bug


When selecting emblems in Albion for guild cloaks, the first emblem (Cup) is not available.

The website with all of the emblems is:
On the right on the website, click Icon and it'll list all of the emblems for the realm

Reproduction Steps

1. Go to guild emblemeer (as a guildmaster)
2. type /gc emblem to choose an emblem
3. Cycle through all of the different emblems, the cup is not available. It should be the first emblem able to be chosen (before the two lances crossing)

Intended Behavior

Allow the cup to be selected, as it is a classic emblem for Albion! (may need to check other realms too to see if they can't select their first emblems too)


The web page that I linked to has not been updated in a very long time. All of the other emblems show in the emblem chooser in the game except the first one. There has not been any patch notes adding this specific emblem after 1.65 (or before for that matter).


Issue was invalid:
Working as Intended
3 players say this report is valid, 1 disagrees


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