2327: Falcon Eye RA does not seem to increase Crit chance with bow

Reported by ★★ Manos at Wed, 10 Aug 2016 01:56:49 UTC
gamemechanic bug


The base critical hit chance is 10%. The Falcon Eye I RA should add 5% to this per the description of the RA. In testing 100 shots against the lev 5 dummy outside TNN, I observed a crit rate of 8%. I would expect ~15% with the Falcon Eye I RA.

Reproduction Steps

1. Purchase Falcon Eye I RA on an Archer class
2. Test fire a sample of arrows against a test dummy or other target
3. Calculate Critical hit %. It should be ~15%

Intended Behavior

The Falcon Eye RA should add to the critical hit %. For an archer with Falcon Eye I, they should be getting close to 15% crits on standard shots.


Discussion of base crit chance:

Falcon Eye description (or look at the in game description at the trainer)


Issue was invalid:
Working as Intended
4 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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