The Ethereal Bond Realm Ability currently requires 2 points into Serenity, which itself requires 2 points into Augmented Acuity. Ethereal Bond should only require 2 points into Augmented Acuity as all other secondary abilities under the Augmented Acuity family.
1. use a character with at least 9 realm points to first train Aug Acuity to 2nd level
2. then attempt to train 1 point in Ethereal Bond - will not work
3. then train 2 levels Serenity, after which Ethereal Bond works, but this is incorrect since this makes Ethereal Bond a 3rd step ability, which did not and should not exist
change the prerequisite for Ethereal Bond to require 2 levels of Aug Acuity just as the other abilities that require Aug Acuity as their prerequisite
I attempted to train Ethereal Bond on 3 different Mentalist characters
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