2435: Missing gatekeeper + wrong mechanic for ALL keepdoors

Reported by 🌟 Greenpeace at Sat, 27 Aug 2016 20:38:55 UTC
gamemechanic bug
32 votes


When trying to enter a keep of your realm you should be able to use a "/say or /yell EXIT /Enter macro" to the "GatekeeperNPCs" which are supposed to be near every keepdoor. Also true for your realm relic-keeps.

But there are none gatekeepernpcs, they are totally missing!

Rightnow we are able to enter keepdoors by rightclicking but i have the feeling, that something is wrong about that mechanic. Either you werent able to clickport if your combatflag was up OR it was never possible at all in old frontier?

Reproduction Steps

1. Go to any raidable keep or some relickeep of your realm.
2. Try to spot gatekeeper-npc. /say EXIT ENTER or /yell EXIT ENTER
3. Nothing happened?
4. Check old live vids, how do they enter their keeps?

Intended Behavior

Add gatekeeper to all keeps for each door where they belong to.
Remove ability to rightclickenter of siegeable keeps + relickeeps.


Old video healer pov. Best example and this made me curious.

He is porting inside + outside several times.
Also look at all other mids around him,they all are using the gatekeeper only:p


Watch any old video including keeps or relikeeps. There will be not 1 showing someone even clicking the doors. All are using the gatekeepers

Also that patchnote goes into the same direction.


"- Players have the option of right-clicking on keep and tower doors in order to teleport inside/outside of keeps/towers. Note that 'enter' and 'exit' commands will also work at these doors."


issue has been confirmed
votes (priority): 32
12 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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