2473: Minstrel Unable to Charm "Giants"

Reported by ★ Impressive at Tue, 30 Aug 2016 06:08:33 UTC
gamemechanic bug


Minstrel are unable to charm mobs classified as "giants" which is wrong. Minstrels cannot currently charm dartmoor giants. Minstrels charm levels are as follows:

Level: 6 - Name: Captivating Melodies. Ability: Charms Humanoids.
Level: 13 - Name: Enchanting Melodies. Ability: Charms Humanoids and Animals.
Level: 20 - Name: Attracting Melodies. Ability: Charms Humanoids, Animals and Insects.
Level: 27 - Name: Pleasurable Melodies. Ability: Charms Humanoids, Animals, Insects and Magical Creatures.
Level: 34 - Name: Enticing Melodies. Ability: Charms Humanoids, Animals, Insects and Magical Creatures.
Level: 41 - Name: Alluring Melodies. Ability: Charms Humanoids, Animals, Insects and Magical Creatures

At level 27 minstrels gain ability to charm magical creatures which include giants. Dartmoor giants or frontier ravenclan giants are examples of magical creatures.


Reproduction Steps

1. go to dartmoor
2. cast charm on a giant
3. see that it doesnt allow you to charm a giant

Intended Behavior

Dartmoor giants and all other magical creatures should be charmable by minstrels.


See previous post with links and evidence for the bug.


Issue was invalid:
Working as Intended
14 players say this report is valid, 8 disagree


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