2508: paladin self AF is overwritten by cleric/friar base AF

Reported by 🌟 Allister at Sun, 04 Sep 2016 20:20:07 UTC
gamemechanic bug
26 votes


Paladin self AF is being overwritten by the cleric's/friar base line AF : they should stack as per patch 1.53

The base AF seems to be providing the good out of the cap AF amount though as per 1.52

Reproduction Steps

1. Have a paladin with yellow or lower AF self buff
2. Have a cleric / friar with a higher value base AF buff
3. see that the first one is overwritten by the second

Intended Behavior

there should be a check considering base line AF buff and paladin self AF : both should apply on a paladin


here are some ingame screenshots

Here is the link to 1.52 considering the cleric having his base AF behaviour changed

All "clerical" (i.e. Healer, Shaman, Druid, Bard, Warden, Friar, Paladin, Hunters, Rangers and Cleric) baseline armor factor buffs are now assessed "outside the cap". In situations where you were at your armor factor cap, and had one of these buffs on you, you would have gotten no additional armor factor, but now with this change, you will. There is currently a display problem where this additional armor factor is not being displayed, but it is being assessed.

Here is a link to 1.53 considering the paladin stack

- The Paladin self armor-factor chant now stacks with other armor factor buffs.

The next pala AF change i encountered on the patch notes changes is irrelevant and on the 1.112 patch.


issue was resolved by Nayru
20 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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