2625: Necromancer ManaDrain has no DamageValue in description

Reported by Xeriana at Thu, 22 Sep 2016 17:08:52 UTC
gamemechanic bug


Every level of ManaDrain from Necromancers is missing a Damage-Value in description.
ALSO - The BASELINE STRENGHT-BUFF from Specline *Death Servant* says "Pet command: xxxxxxx"

But it is NOT a petcommand, since player casts it himself.
Just a small description-fail.

Reproduction Steps

1. Databaseknowledge
2. Being able to read and write
3. Internetconnection

Intended Behavior

Damn, you guys pretty fastidious.
I never reported anything, because I never could find anything.
The thing(s) I found are just small descriptionfails.


There is no prove or anything needed, everyone playing daoc should know there are Damage-Values supposed to be in description of Damage-Spells. :)


Issue was invalid:
No longer valid
0 players say this report is valid, 1 disagrees


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