2636: Crafting has a wrong % of Failures & CraftingTimer <yellow

Reported by ☆ Xka at Sat, 24 Sep 2016 16:40:45 UTC
gamemechanic bug


1)Well, I'm legendary weaponcrafter(Xko) and took my like 6 tries to complete 1 green weapon, when the ratios of Failure must be 0% on colors lower than yellow.
So to get a Master piece took me like 10 hours.

2)And about the timers are almost the same on crafting maybe 1 sec more on red ones, but the same on lower ones when blues must be 80% green 60% and greys 40%

3)I'm not sure about this 3rd point because of the patch but, is worther to sell an item than salvage em and use the materials salvaged, due to you get less items

Info: http://apothecary.daoc-sites.info/guide_main_2.php

Reproduction Steps

1. Crafting 1 orange item from weaponcrafting and check the ratio of Failures. Repeat that being yellow, blue and green one
2. The same that point 1 but checking the crafting timer
3. I buy the materials to make 1 item of weaponcrafter. I craft it, and I appraise it to a merchant and i note how many difference(A) there is between the appraised and how much it cost to me. After I salvage the item I buy the missing materials to complete it(A') and in ALL items A'>A

Intended Behavior

Info: http://apothecary.daoc-sites.info/guide_main_2.php
Con to your skill level Skill Increase Failures Crafting Timer
red 45% 32% normal craft time
orange 55% 16% normal craft time
yellow 45% 8% normal craft time
blue 30% 0% 80%
green 15% 0% 60%
gray 0% 0% 40%




Issue was invalid:
Evidence is from patch 1.87
17 players say this report is valid, 3 disagree


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