2659: Horse Route from Nob's Farm to North Camelot Gates Very Slow

Reported by d16s at Fri, 30 Sep 2016 15:54:49 UTC
gamemechanic bug
5 votes


When taking the horse from Nob's Farm in Camelot Hills to the North Camelot Gates, the horse travels at a walking pace the entire time.

Reproduction Steps

1. Take horse from Nob's Farm to North Camelot Gates
2. Observe the speed

Intended Behavior

Correct the speed of the horse. It should not go at a walking pace, but full pace instead. Perhaps it's a pathing issue?


I took the horse myself, and sat for quite a while to watch it walk all the way to Camelot. There were no points at which the horse sped up, it started at a walking pace and remained at it for the duration of the trip.


issue was resolved by Genjiro
4 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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