0278: Midgard Quest Covet Wiley doesn't give whole group credit

Reported by ☆☆ Gilligan at Mon, 09 May 2016 23:04:57 UTC
worldbuild bug
9 votes


Was given the quest Covet Wiley in Dvalin to kill Olag. I was grouped with a bonedancer who also needed the quest. We killed Olag. I got killing blow and quest credit. Bonedancer in group did not get credit, and had to kill him again himself.

Reproduction Steps

1. Get quest Covet Wiley from Aesiridia (Shield Merchant) in Dvalin
2. Group with a friend who has quest.
3. Kill Olag, only person with killing blow gets credit.

Intended Behavior

The entire hunting party should be given credit for completing the quest.


I cannot repeat the quest so I can't verify whether it repeats in every scenario or not.


issue was resolved by Gnome
5 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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