2809: Single and Group-Instant-Heal calculation is broken

Reported by ☆☆☆ Goingcrazy at Wed, 14 Dec 2016 13:17:15 UTC
gamemechanic bug


I was checking the disease bug, as i saw everything is fine with the disease and heal. But the instant-heals didnt seems to work at all.

So I checked the instant heal, which is (caz of timers) very ugly. So i just skilled 35 heal on healer for single instant(75%) and group instant (75%) for same test-values.

I have to point out, that I DONT want to show a DIFFERENCE between these two spells. I want to show, that BOTH instant heals are, in some strange way, miscalculated.

A percent heal, however should heal as much as the targets % (f.i. 75%) HitPoints.

Example: Target 2000 HP * 75 % HEAL = 1500 HP.

What I dont know!: Should Piety/Mending affect this instants. In my opinion no, but i could find any old thread with a detailed description about it. Nor I know, if that %-based skill was ever capped on a spefific value. And if it was capped - was it capped on the healer or target? Target imo. makes sence...

Anyways the calculation seems just wrong, so I post it for disucussion.

Reproduction Steps

I tested the instant-single and -group-heal on HEALER(Mid) lvl 50 in Jordheim.

1) A brandnew healer dvarf LvL(50) 5L0 WITHOUT any equipment and a SKILLSET (35 Mend / 32 Aug / 25 Pac)
has UNBUFFED 966 HP, BUFFED(self s/c & red con) 1370 HP.


2) Another healer dvarf LvL(50) 5L0 with equipment(50 Mend/47 Aug/29 Pac) and the same SKILLSET
has UNBUFFED 1254 HP, BUFFED(self s/c & red con) 1679 HP.


I got falling damage in jordheim for lower my health under 20% and used on
1.a) UNBUFFED Single-Instant(75%) which healed for 870 HP.
966 HP * 0.75 = 724,5 HP.
--> Value is higher with lower stats! (reverse logic?)

1.b) BUFFED Group-Heal(75%) which healed for 958 HP.
1370 HP * 0.75 = 1027,5 HP.
--> Value is Lower (Capped Heal on percent-based-logic?)

2.a) UNBUFFED Single-Instant(75%) which healed for 958 HP.
1254 HP * 0.75 = 940,5 HP.
--> Value is higher with lower stats! (reverse logic?)

2.b) BUFFED Group-Heal(75%) which healed for 958 HP.
1679 HP * 0.75 = 1259,25 HP.
--> Value is Lower (Capped Heal on percent-based-logic?)

I didnt check it with healer on other targets in group - there could be more informations. Timers are ugly..

Intended Behavior

I cant say how to fix it, as long as the basic parameters are given, which could and really should influence the calculation.

IMO: A percent based heal is a clear description. The fixed value to heal is based on the targets HP. So with 2000 HP (w/o disease) * 0.75 it should heal = 1500 HP.


The evidence is the acual calculation, which imo doesnt make any sence. You can devote it, if you re absolutly sure that I m wrong, but post your calculation =)


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