2822: Secretof Nuada's Silver

Reported by ☆☆☆ Ridicule at Fri, 16 Dec 2016 03:30:55 UTC
worldbuild bug


ePIC STEP #5 sECRET OF Nuadra's Silver: kill a hill hound. well i did that and quest did not advance.

Reproduction Steps

1. I am sure some asshole will post taht i tried to kill the wrong will hound
2. Makes no sense to report shit on here
3. Good Luck

Intended Behavior

When i kill the mob in quest step, the quest should advance. Unless some asstard says otherwise then we can wait 3 mos before i get updatye emails :/
how is that not 50 characters ^^???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


ok, don't fix it. See if i care .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Issue was invalid:
1 player says this report is valid, 1 disagrees


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