If you are near a zone end and went ld caused by a connection lost / streamerror or similar problems, you should replaced to a savespot next to you.
This screenshot was taken behind jordheim entrance (nord) / vale of mularn longer ago:
This screenshot was taken behind jordheim entrance (west) / east svealand.
This seems not so important - but if you re aware of this bug, you can exploit it easily and avoid aggrohzones in f.i. malmo. So you can walk to your wished named (as long as he is near the zone end) and rejoin the map at this location.
1. Choose a spot near zoneend.
2. Cut your connection.
3. Watch if you get behind the allowed zone.
Just check the position of the character before joining /logging into a zone. If the position is outside of the allowed zone, just send him back to nearest bindstone.
issue has been assigned to Nayru |
priority: 1 |