2829: Capitals should not have crafting materials past 500

Reported by 🌟 Allister at Sat, 17 Dec 2016 01:38:36 UTC
worldbuild bug
5 votes


The merchants modification to sell tier craft materials higher than 5 in the capitals was introduced in 1.70 and 1.71 in jordheim

For example (in camelot) Silura starish was an instrument merchant prior to 2005

Metal / leather / cloth / feather / wood merchants are separated and missplaced (metal merchant for example in camelot near the upside forge and the weaponsmith MAster)

Reproduction Steps

1. check old crafting guides
2. check merchants
3. check old links
4. check actual implementation of capitals

Intended Behavior

There is an old guide on a french JOL forum detailing the steps and saying the following :
"Passé le score de 500 vous ne pourrez plus trouver les ingrédients dans la capitale, vous serez donc amenés à vous déplacer dans le royaume.
Voici où trouver les autres matières premières :..."

Translates to :
"After 500, you won't find materials in the capital, you will have to travel through the realm.
Here is where to find the other materials :..."
Follows a list for all realms but i think that some elements are missing : you had to travel from one point of the realm to the other to get material tier higher than 800 => wood somewhere, leather elsewhere etc ...(couldn't find all infos on my own)
Or go to the frontiers (beno/bled/crau, at your own risk) where you could find all materials in one place
(then there was [SI] introduced)
1-499 : Camelot
500-699 : Ludlow & (?)
700-799 : (?)
800+ : relik keep
1-799 : Cornwal station
1-1000+ : Caer Benowyc & [Caer Diogel]

1-499 : Tir Na Nog
500-699 : Mag Mell & Ardee
700-799 : Basar
800+ : relik keep
1-799 : Innis Carthaig
1-1000+ : Dun Crauchon & [Aalid feie]

1-500 : Jordheim
500-799 : Mularn & Vasudheim
700-799 : Haggerfell
800+ : relik keep
1-799 : Gna Faste
1-1000+ : Bledmeer Faste & [Hagall]

here are the material merchants listed on the JOL guide for the capitals :

feathers : Willa Dalston
wood : Brach Leof
metal : Hector Darian et Chelseigh Stilman
leather, thread, cloth : Corley Nodens, Cyllena Watford, Coventina Bordin & Shayly Parke

feathers : Darg & Haylei
wood : Ottar, Kvasir & Holsvi Hallgrim
metal : Kkor Borson
leather, thread, cloth : Jorun, Ereck Hemingr, Falla Hemingr & Gro Gunderson

Tir Na Nog
feathers : Izall & Bricagos
wood : Cedric & Caley
metal : Morolt & Aurnia
leather, thread, cloth : Darcy, Saffa & Caathal
stripes : Geryn & Darova

here are some screenshot extracts of the atlas prima guide of the old locs and merchants on camelot/albion + hib/TNN + jord/Mid
(silura starish is also found here as a merchant "bard" instrument in camelot too)

more info on Camelot npcs here
https://web.archive.org/web/20031220200433/http://daoc.3secondtheory.net/cammyalpha.html (map missing unfortunately)



The Jordheim merchants have had their stores expanded. All tiers of crafting materials have also been added to bring the city's stores in line with the stores in Camelot and Tir na Nog.

crafting guide
http://forums.jeuxonline.info/showthread.php?s=&threadid=184370 (in french, from april 2003)

Camelot Arcanium merchant (in uthgard) added between June 9 2005 update and December 12 2005
Given as an instrument merchant before
even in other db source and guides

#Jul 31 2002 at 9:03 PM
there is none in camelot, you have to go to cornwall. same goes for any materials that are needed for 500+.

https://web.archive.org/web/20031231103415/http://www.grania.org/map.php?map=56 (unfortunately no image map)



issue was resolved by Trishin
7 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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