2906: Doomhammer style uses up MHB even if it wasn't up before hit

Reported by ☆ Zubasa at Thu, 29 Dec 2016 00:20:51 UTC
gamemechanic bug
14 votes


When using special RA style doomhammer on warrior (or similar class, zerker, hero, armsman) the style can create an MHB (melee health buffer) on an enemy and instantly uses it up, for example 351 damage - 100 = 251 damage, even though the enemy didn't have mhb up before the hit, this behavior doesn't exist with normal hits.

Reproduction Steps

1. find the doomhammer (and similar) style function
2. see where it interacts with melee health buffer
3. make it not use up the mhb on the first hit, when it should only be created

Intended Behavior

see reproduction steps, find the ability 10 point ra on full tanks (like doomhammer on warrior), see where it created the mhb, and make it not use it up on hit.


doomhammer is a weapon style, which should act as other weapon styles, except that it costs 10 ra points with 10 minute cooldown, therefore it should not be less effective in regards to game mechanic than other styles.


issue has been confirmed
votes (priority): 14
4 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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