0003: All reserved names have not appeared when accounts linked

Reported by ☆☆ Monza at Thu, 05 May 2016 08:30:23 UTC
website bug


I have linked all my previous accounts to the new one i have created today. It only shows 3 reserved character names (Fiallach, Shenkt and Viruk) but i had lots more lvl 50 chars than this especially on my account with the email voldraxx2@gmail.com , examples are Caul, Tenaka, Jezal , i even checked on the herald that they made lvl 50 and they all did

Reproduction Steps

1. Look at the reserved names for master account voldraxx@gmail.com

Intended Behavior

It should list all the level 50 character names from the 3 accounts i previously had on Uthgard, voldraxx@gmail.com voldraxx2@gmail.com and tj.mullins@gmail.com


The reserved names listed is not the complete list of lvl 50 characters that were on the three accounts i previously described


Issue was invalid:
User-caused issue
1 player says this report is valid, 10 disagree


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