Usually you should not be able to trade equipped items. If you initiate a trade with an equipped item it won't show up in trade window but if you accept the trade you still trade the item. So there are 2 bugs in one: You can trade equipped items and don't show up in trade window.
1. Click on one equipped item
2. Click on a player you want to trade with
3. Nothing visible in trade-window but if you accept the trade the other players gets your item.
You should not be able to trade equipped items. Like you can't add an equipped item when the trade window already is open. It just works if you initiate a trade with an equipped item.
Well if you try to trade an equipped item it's saying the right message. Just if you initiate the trade with an equipped item it works. Should be clear that it can't be right like that, I can't find any screenshots relating that problem. Just try it out. :)
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