3119: water not working in midgard, i run underwater

Reported by Visa at Fri, 13 Jan 2017 08:51:41 UTC
worldbuild bug


In gotar i walk under the water
1. Gotar location: 12975,51313,4222,dir 179
the whole edge of the lake is like that

Reproduction Steps

1. Gotar location: 12975,51313,4222,dir 179
the whole edge of the lake is like that

Intended Behavior

1. Gotar location: 12975,51313,4222,dir 179
the whole edge of the lake is like that


i walk underwater
Gotar location: 12975,51313,4222,dir 179
the whole edge of the lake is like that


Issue was invalid:
Client error
1 player says this report is valid, 0 disagree


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