3153: Player "Poet" using buff bot named "Niss"

Reported by Skorn at Sat, 14 Jan 2017 15:50:52 UTC
worldbuild bug


Player "Poet" using buff bot named "Niss" on Midgard.

He claimed it was his GF but he was Niss was obviously a bot.

Reproduction Steps

1. Just spy on him at any given time and you will see.
2. Check the I.P. addresses to see if they come from the same I.P.

Intended Behavior

ban player account Poet and Niss from using uthgard


18 Years of Multi-box experience. I immediately recognized it. Approach player, make him type two sentences at the same time = caught.


Issue was invalid:
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0 players say this report is valid, 3 disagree


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