0355: Killing Harish doesnt update Abolishment of Sacrifice Quest

Reported by ☆☆ Undefined at Tue, 10 May 2016 19:30:51 UTC
worldbuild bug
0 votes


For the Cleric epic quest: Abolishment of Sacrifice, in step #3, killing the mob Sacrificer Harish does not spawn Shade of Harish or update the quest.

The mob also says: [TA|Exception]Group:3016 ID:2 -> Maximum per second spawn limit reached. TA-trace: (3016,2).

Reproduction Steps

1. Get Cleric epic, Abolishment of Sacrifice. Get to Step#3.
2. Kill Sacrifier Harish.
3. Shade of Harish does not spawn and Quest does status does not change.

Intended Behavior

Killing Sacrificer Harish should spawn Shade of Harish. Which after killing would update quest to Step #4.




issue was resolved by Gnome
0 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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