3637: Grovewood in Cliff of Moher

Reported by ☆ Morgohar at Mon, 13 Feb 2017 10:21:50 UTC
worldbuild bug
2 confirmations


Cliff of Moher
loc: 24k, 45k
grovewood mobs
They dont drop anything. No money no items.

Reproduction Steps

1. Find groovewood
2. Kill one
3. Nothing comes. Only exp.

Intended Behavior

Should be droping money atleast.
Allakhazam only knows they drop one thing...
Dont remember what they did drop in live.


Sorry dont have anything about this. We moved out after we realized that nothing comes out.


issue is new, and needs confirmation
requires 1 more confirmations
votes (priority): 2
2 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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