0381: Guard, Protect, and Intercept don't show icon among buffs.

Reported by ☆ Bundled at Wed, 11 May 2016 06:25:17 UTC
gamemechanic bug


When a shield-user uses Guard, Protect, or Intercept on a target (read: group member), the target's buffs are not updated to reflect the change. There should be an icon that appears among the target's buffs informing them that they are under the affects of guard, protect, or intercept.

Reproduction Steps

1. Take a shield user of appropriate spec and a another toon.
2. Group them together.
3. Use Guard, Protect, or Intercept and see the results on the target toon.

Intended Behavior

An icon should appear among the buffs of the target toon. The icon should reflect which ability it is tied to (guard = guard icon).


Pretty sure this is correct, though I have no idea where to look to discover the information.


Issue was invalid:
working as intended for patchlevel
5 players say this report is valid, 3 disagree


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