3815: kobold Helen missing

Reported by 🌟 Pushup at Thu, 02 Mar 2017 14:53:54 UTC
worldbuild bug


cannot find kobold Helen for the quest Prove Kobold Helen's Innocense

Reproduction Steps

1. get mystic's epic quest Prove Kobold Helen's Innocense
2. Talk to Sarry in Fort Atla
3. Talk to Sentry Litenberg at first troll guard tower in Myrkwood Forest
4. Try to find kobold Helen

Intended Behavior

Kobold Helen should be at troll guard tower, at Fort Atla or on the road to the troll guard tower


i have checked the troll guard tower, i have followed the road from the troll guard tower to Fort Atla. No kobold Helen


Issue was invalid:
Closed by reporter
0 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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