3842: [MID] Remains of HOWL almost impossible to get

Reported by ☆☆☆ Nanosolo at Sun, 05 Mar 2017 10:41:38 UTC
worldbuild bug
2 votes


I came to Myrkwood at lvl 17.5, around loc 30k 56k and killed a Dark Hound (Dark hound were yellow/blue at this lvl). Immediately appears HOWL, mob who drops a remains when killed. But Howl was purple so impossible to kill with my lvl 17.5 toon. I quickly logged a lvl 32 toon and killed Howl (was blue at lvl 32) and didnt drop the remains. Back to my lvl 17.5, finished the lvl Killing ONLY Dark hounds, completed lvl 18, 19 and half of lvl 20 still Killing hundreds of blue Dark hounds, Howl never spawn again.


1 - Killing thousend and more Dark hounds until they con grey dont make Howl to spawn.

2 - Howl spawns with 10 lvl too much.

Reproduction Steps

1. Go to Myrkwood with a lvl 17 character around loc 30k 56k, kill all Dark Hounds you see until Howl spawns (good luck !!!)
2. If by a HUGE hasard Howl spawns try to kill it with your lvl 17-20 character !
3. Log a lvl 32 character, kill Howl and cross your finger to get the remains...

Intended Behavior

1 - make Howl spawn 'normally' (as Snarls, Spat, Hrrrgyyf, Prugor, Queen Major....)
2 - reduce by ten the level of Howl


Follow the instructions in the previous Reproduction Steps, thats evident, Howl almost never spawns after Killing thousend of Dark Hounds , if Howl spawns its with 10 lvl too much, and not sure to get the remains by Killing it with a higher character.


issue has been confirmed
votes (priority): 2
9 players say this report is valid, 3 disagree


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