Currently charge does not require you to run towards your target, only that you have a target. Charge should require a target and require a user run towards the target. If the user turns from the target (i.e. loses LOS) charge should end.
1. Target an object (any object, even a forge)
2. Start charge
3. Run in any direction
Require that the user charge towards the targeted object.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.53 Release Notes
Additionally, we've added a new (level-based) ability called "Charge", learned by Blademasters, Mercenaries, and Berserkers only, at 40th level. To charge, the tank selects an enemy, and initiates this ability. When active, the tank sprints at full sprint speed, with no endurance loss, for 10 seconds towards the target. If he breaks off, or changes target, or the 10 seconds expires, the tank goes back to normal running speed. Can be used every 5 minutes.
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