4111: [MID] Mystic 43 Epic "Saving the Clan" can't progress

Reported by ☆☆☆ Facemeltor at Wed, 19 Apr 2017 11:29:49 UTC
worldbuild bug
0 confirmations


If you look at the picture you will notice that there is no hint in the Quest Journal. I know it's not a big deal but usually the Quest Journal tells you what to /whisper to the NPC to progress the quest, which isn't the case at this point.

If you forgot the previous NPC you talked to due to a brake inbetween the quest (or just bad memory) you are pretty much lost at this point, only google can help.


Reproduction Steps

1. Make a Mystic in Midgard
2. Level to 43
3. Progress the epic quest-line to this point
4. You are stuck if you don't know the magic /whisper word.

Intended Behavior

The Quest Journal should include the following words:
"Use /whipser Anrid sent me" to progress the quest."

(Only "Anrid" is necessary, but it sounds better). This is in line with all other epic quest help guides in the quest journal and helps new players to the game to not get lost.


It happened for both of my chars, Runemaster and now Bonedancer, I also asked around in the guild and everyone has the same problem at this point in the quest line.


issue is new, and needs confirmation
requires 3 more confirmations
votes (priority): 1
0 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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