4356: Cannot pick up relic while in combat

Reported by ☆ Skulleffer at Sat, 29 Jul 2017 08:47:09 UTC
gamemechanic bug
8 votes


Unable to pick up own realm relic (possibly other relics) while in combat. Received the message that "You are in combat and cannot take the relic!"

Reproduction Steps

1. Be in combat
2. Try to pick up a relic from an enemy relic keep
3. be annoyed, possibly die and have your raid fail

Intended Behavior

Remove the in combat check. This was never on live. It was a common tactic to rush in, grab the relic and run out before the enemies could kill you.


This topic even desribes a favorite memory:
"-being on an alb relic raid trying to take the hib cauldron. We finally open the tower doors but the hibs have some scary skilled players (chooch and friends) on the top floor and we are starting to lose. After most of us are dead, I hit an SoS and run up through the hibs, grab the cauldron and run all the way out. The guards near the front door of the keep spot me just as SoS runs out and beat me to death as I run down the hill, depositing the cauldron neatly at the feet of a dwarf that's just standing there at the bottom of the hill watching the fun. I'm dead and lying there and he picks up the cauldron that 200+ people have been fighting an hour for and wanders off with it. We end up negotiating with the mids to get the cauldron back, leading to the first alb-mid truces I can remember. It was a very cool feeling to wander around the alb mile gate and sit down with all the famous killer PvP mids while it was all sorted out. "




issue was resolved by Genjiro
3 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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