Alb Dragon randomly using his aoes without being touched.
Aoe stun hits through walls.
in 1.65 and later too his aoes were triggered at 75 50 25 15 10 and 5% life not randomly and certainly not at 100% life
1. move into Dragon lair till Dragon aggros
2. get aoed
3. die
1.65 alb Dragon could be done with 2-3 grps if high enough rr.
currently ist tough to do it with 6 grps+
the current mechanic seems completely random.
we have done the Dragon 10 times in the last week. ist a pain to get passt the start gamble with his random aoe spamms. if u look at the vidoes u can easily see that 1.65 Dragon didnt have random mechanics.
issue was resolved by Abydos
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